Become a FlutterFlow Partner

Join the growing network of FlutterFlow Partners — get noticed, grow your business and connect with a thriving community.

Requirements & Benefits of FlutterFlow Partner Program

Agency Partner Track

Agency partners are software development companies who provide FlutterFlow app development services to small and medium sized customers.

Agency Tier

partner Requirements
Agency to be on Teams Plan
Agency to have live website
Agency to have a CRM and  invoicing system
Agency to have atleast one live mobile app deployed in AppStore or PlayStore
partner benefits
Listing Agencies on FlutterFlow website, with a dedicated page for each agency
Agency specific resources to grow business on FlutterFlow (ex. Sales & Marketing materials)
Prioritized enablement: Priority invite for getting credentialed as an Expert

Expert Agency Tier

partner Requirements
Everything on Agency tier plus:
At least 3 high quality live FlutterFlow apps
At least 5 devs to pass FlutterFlow Expert training
Average customer CSAT rating of 4.0 or higher
partner benefits
Everything on Agency tier plus:
“Expert” badge on listing
Marketing support through FlutterFlow channels
Access to FlutterFlow unfulfilled pipeline
Special Event invites
Prioritized customer support

Enterprise Partner Track

Enterprise partners are Global or Regional Systems Integrators who provide services to Enterprise customers on FlutterFlow’s enterprise platform.

Enterprise Tier

partner Requirements
At least 1 live Enterprise FlutterFlow customer engagement
At least 10 devs credentialed as Enterprise Experts
ISO27001 compliant
Annual Revenue of at least $20M
In business for over 5 years
partner benefits
Listing Enterprise Partner on FlutterFlow website, with a dedicated page for each Partner
Enterprise Partner specific resources to grow business on FlutterFlow (ex. Sales & Marketing materials)
Prioritized enablement: Priority invite for getting credentialed as an Enterprise Expert
Prioritized technical support

Expert Enterprise Tier

partner Requirements
At least 3 live Enterprise customer engagements
At least 25 devs credentialed as Enterprise Experts per region
ISO27001 compliant
Global Delivery Model
Joint Business Plan with FlutterFlow
Annual Revenue of at least $100M
partner benefits
Everything on Enterprise Tier plus:
“Enterprise Expert” badge on listing
Quarterly Business Planning
Named Partner Dev Manager
Named engineering support manager

How the Application Process works

Learn what to expect when you apply to become a FlutterFlow Partner.

Apply to be a Partner

Who are FlutterFlow Partners?

The FlutterFlow Partner program is designed for active Agencies, Regional and Global Systems Integrators who service clients and build on FlutterFlow. To become a FlutterFlow partner, companies must demonstrate both proven expertise in FlutterFlow as well as a successful history building FlutterFlow apps for clients.

We have two separate partner programs for Agency and Enterprise Partners.

What about Freelancers?

While we don't have a formal Partner Program for freelancers, they can also submit their application for getting listed on our website, and they will be prioritized for listing if they meet our Expert criteria.

How to prepare your application?

To apply to become a FlutterFlow Partner, here’s the information you’ll need to have ready:

  • Basic information about you/your business (name, location, contact info, etc.)
  • Have an active FlutterFlow plan – applicants must have an active Teams or Enterprise FlutterFlow plan
  • Completed Expert credentials (if applicable)  
  • Client work examples (as applicable)
  • Proof of ISO27001 (if applicable)

Preparing your client work examples

When submitting your application, you’ll be asked to provide links to apps you’ve built for clients using FlutterFlow. 

The apps you submit should all be original work, not built using a FlutterFlow Template. We recommend submitting apps that show off a range of skills/styles, rather than apps which are very similar to one another. At least one of the apps submitted for review should be a mobile app that has been deployed to AppStore or PlayStore.

Our review process

Once we receive your application, we’ll aim to review your submission and respond within 2 weeks. We’ll verify that you have the necessary credentials and FlutterFlow plan, and we’ll review your FlutterFlow app examples to ensure they pass our FlutterFlow app grading rubric.

Please keep in mind that our team receives a large number of applications, which makes it challenging for us to provide detailed feedback for each applicant.

Common rejection reasons

When preparing your application, please keep in mind the following common reasons why an application may be rejected:

  • Applicant has not passed all the required credentials
  • Applicant does not have an active Team or Enterprise Plan
  • Issues with applicant’s portfolio app submissions:
    • Apps(s) are built using a template
    • None of the apps submitted are live on Appstore/Playstore
    • All the apps submitted are too simplistic or basic (no custom code or custom actions)
    • Apps do not use best practices for building in FlutterFlow (use of components etc)
    • Design is cluttered or inconsistent, with poor visual hierarchy
    • App does not follow best practices for accessibility

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