1. Year in Review

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  4. By The Numbers

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Year in Review


FlutterFlow in 2023

We Launched Hundreds
of New Features

Live collaboration, paid marketplace, ai-integration, design systems, and more.
Our goal for the year was to enable you to build better, together.

January 11th
Code Expressions, DataTable Widget, FlutterFlow CLI and more!
We introduced Code Expressions for streamlined operations, unveiled a new DataTable Widget for enhanced data management, and implemented Firestore Count Queries for efficient document counting. We also integrated Firebase App Check to bolster your project's security and launched the FlutterFlow CLI, enabling easy code exports and seamless CICD pipeline integration.
January 20th
Interactive Styling, Smart Autofill, and Enhanced Accessibility
This week, we launched Semantic Labels, enhancing the accessibility of your apps by aiding screen readers. Hover Styling for Buttons was also introduced, adding interactive visual feedback for web and desktop UIs. Autofill Hints for TextFields arrived, streamlining form-filling with smart suggestions. Additionally, we brought in Auto-Capitalization for TextFields, ensuring efficient and error-free typing experiences. Rounding off, we improved parameter handling, making it faster and easier to set default values and work with page and component parameters.
February 9th
State Management Revamp, Web App Speed Boost, and Rich Text Widget Innovation
We revamped State Management to significantly enhance component reusability and introduced features such as component state access and a code generation refactor. Web app performance received a substantial boost, particularly for apps on custom domains, resulting in quicker load times and reduced data usage. The introduction of the Rich Text Widget allowed for versatile and stylized text layouts, complemented by other updates like the Stop Sound action and optimized UI for smaller screens.
February 16th
Team Activity Logs, AI-Powered Custom Actions, and Enhanced Test Mode
We introduced a Project Activity Log for Teams, allowing users to track project edits up to 7 days for Teams users and unlimited access for Enterprise users. Our OpenAI Codex integration received a significant upgrade, enabling the creation of Custom Actions with AI-generated code. We also improved startup times for both test-mode and run-mode, along with a reduction in Test Mode Instant Reload times. Additional updates include new indicators for widget placement and a direct web publish button in the FlutterFlow Builder, plus an option for a shortened relative timestamp format.
February 27th
Introduced Storyboard Beta and New Folder Organization Features
We launched the Storyboard Beta, a new feature for visualizing your app's design and navigation, optimized for projects with up to 30 pages. Alongside this, we introduced a new folder organization system for pages and components, with a structure that's mirrored in the code for better project management. Additional improvements include faster code exports, an updated TextField properties panel for ease of use, a refined FlutterFlow UI for smaller screens, a simplified process for creating new pages, and the option to upload a profile photo to your FlutterFlow account
March 13th
Test Mode Enhancements, User Account Deletion Actions, and More Updates
We enhanced Test Mode for Pro and Teams users by extending session lengths to 30 minutes and introducing real-time session tracking. Other features included actions for deleting user accounts and data in Firebase, the new OnToggle action for Toggle Icons, and the introduction of profile picture uploads in FlutterFlow. Additionally, we streamlined the Set From Variable flow and implemented various improvements and bug fixes to optimize user experience.
March 17th
Backend Query Caching, Widget State Controls, and Diverse New Features
We introduced Backend Query Caching to improve performance and reduce cloud costs, bringing faster app experiences and savings. New actions to Set and Reset Form fields were added, enhancing user interaction and error handling. Read-only project access now allows safe project viewing without editing capabilities, ideal for sharing with clients or non-developer team members. Our Extract From Image feature enables theme color generation from images, and we've expanded options for custom domains and file type uploads. Additionally, a new rawText option for API responses and an upgrade to Android targetSdkVersion 33 were implemented.
March 31st
Revolutionizing Design with Theme Widgets, Searchable Dropdowns, and Advanced Actions
We revolutionized design in FlutterFlow by introducing Theme Widgets, enabling consistent styling across apps with easy updates. The new searchable dropdown feature enhances user experience by simplifying the search process in long lists. We've also enabled the use of Team Custom Functions and Actions in shared Team Components for more dynamic UI/UX patterns. Significant action upgrades were made, including callback parameters in custom actions, a clear query cache action, and an on initialization trigger. Other enhancements include more flexible color settings, improved interaction features in preview mode, and additional styling options for icons and buttons. We also resolved several bugs, including issues with custom domains, PDF Viewer, string translations, private APIs, and custom function string comparisons.
April 13th
Collaborative Real-Time Editing, Custom Code Integration, and Enhanced Widgets
We significantly upgraded collaboration in FlutterFlow, introducing Real Time Collaboration for Teams & Enterprise, allowing multiple users to work together seamlessly on projects. Custom code can now be added in the main.dart file for initializing packages directly in FlutterFlow. We introduced a feature for specifying dark mode images, enhancing app visual appeal and accessibility. Users can save existing widgets as reusable theme widgets, streamlining design consistency across projects. The PinCode widget received upgrades with form validation and onChange actions for improved user experiences. Other enhancements include a 25% increase in project size limit, a new Jump To Index action for PageViews, and warnings for large asset sizes.
April 29th
API Imports, Advanced Conditional Actions, and New Integrations
We introduced the ability to import Swagger/OpenAPI definitions, streamlining the integration of numerous API definitions into FlutterFlow projects. Our visual action builder was upgraded to support Conditional Actions with multiple branches, enhancing the creation of complex business logic. We added support for Supabase email authentication, expanding our authentication options. Razorpay integration is now available for seamless payment processing in Indian markets. Additionally, we introduced Show Alert Dialog actions for customizable popups and integrated BlurHash for image loading enhancements. Editing multiple widgets simultaneously has been made possible, and our TabBar widget received significant upgrades, including new features and improved usability.
May 19th
Data Type Flexibility, Custom Dialogs, and Advanced Styling Features
We updated Data Types in FlutterFlow, enhancing their flexibility and ease of use in various states and API variables, and made them easier to create in custom code. We introduced new Custom Dialog Actions and the Paste Style feature to streamline our design process and improve user interaction. Additionally, we added Custom Breakpoints for more precise responsive layouts, AI-Generated Theme Colors for creative color schemes, and Firestore Batch Writes for efficient atomic operations. To speed up workflow, we implemented Widget Tree Search and Double-Click Component Editing, as well as improvements in widget resizing and Media Assets management. We also resolved several key bugs, including issues with the Video player and RadioButton widget.
June 1st
Dynamic Firestore Queries, Sticky Headers, and Audio Recording Capabilities
We launched Reusable Action Blocks, allowing you to effortlessly update sequences of actions across your app. Our Conditional Builder and Tooltip Widgets were designed to enhance user interfaces, offering easy switches between UI elements and informative tooltips for guidance. Features like the ability to download code for specific versions aimed to improve collaborative workflows. We also expanded design capabilities with upgraded ChoiceChips, offering more aesthetic control. Additionally, Project Labels were introduced to significantly improve dashboard organization and team coordination.
June 20th
Dynamic Firestore Queries, Sticky Headers, and Audio Recording Capabilities
We introduced a new action for triggering Firestore Queries, optimizing data loading for a more responsive user experience. Our Sticky Header Widget was fixed to keep key functionalities accessible while browsing, much like the fixed search bar on Airbnb. Audio Recording actions were added, enabling voice-based interactions in apps. The new "items spacing" property simplified layout design by automatically spacing items in columns, rows, or list views. We also integrated Unsplash for easy access to stock images within FlutterFlow. Other updates include support for Uploaded File (Bytes) and Uint8List in Custom Actions, configurable Kotlin version for apps, enhanced TextField customization, and reorganized actions list with new categories.
July 7th
FlutterFlow AI Gen: AI Integration and Dynamic Development Enhancements
We introduced FlutterFlow AI Gen, providing a comprehensive suite of AI-powered tools to transform your app-building journey. With features like Page Gen, Schema Gen, Component Gen, Theme Gen, and an AI Code Assistant powered by ChatGPT Turbo, we aimed to redefine app development. We also launched 'Action On Data Change' for dynamic updates in Firestore, and updated our Upload File action to support multiple files at once, significantly improving user experience. We added support for GitHub Firebase Auth, simplifying user sign-in processes. Our new Remove Widget feature in the Widget Tree now allows for easier modifications without losing child widgets. Further enhancements included supporting multiple action parameters for components, setting Webview content from HTML strings, and expanded storage capabilities with uploads to Firebase/Supabase.
July 20th
Engaging Forums, Dynamic Actions, and Creative Design Tools
We launched the new FlutterFlow Community Forum, creating spaces for specific discussions, enhancing search capabilities, and introducing a job board and showcase area. We also integrated "while" loops in actions, infinite scrolling for widgets, and an option to disable actions, significantly improving development flexibility and debugging. Additionally, we added widget opacity customization and launched a Perks Program with valuable discounts. These advancements, along with continuous improvements, have significantly enriched the FlutterFlow user experience.
August 10th
Customizable Splash, Hero Transitions, and Refined Design
We enhanced our Splash Screen capabilities, allowing you to set its minimum duration, configure the background color, and disable it on the web, offering a more personalized user experience. We introduced Hero Animations for components, enabling smoother screen transitions. Our TabBar received significant upgrades with widget state support, new tab actions, and customizable font styles. Additionally, we expanded design options with adjustable AutoSize text, scroll bar colors, and web app status bar colors. A new action to read documents from references was added, improving application performance and user experience. Other updates include real-time collaboration on design systems, custom code management enhancements, and expanded API query parameters.
September 8th
Sophisticated Dropdowns, User-Centric Lists, and Performance Monitoring Enhancements
We introduced a Multi-Select Dropdown widget, allowing for sophisticated selection processes in user interfaces, like choosing amenities in travel apps. We also launched a Reorderable List feature, enabling users to personalize item order for enhanced engagement. To aid in app optimization, we added support for Firebase Performance Monitoring, providing vital real-time performance data. Significant upgrades were made to the PinCode widget, improving user interaction. Additionally, we enabled the customization of 404 error images to maintain consistent brand identity and introduced Deployment History for better tracking of app versions. We also added customization options for the Pull to Refresh indicator and expanded the design capabilities of our ChoiceChips widget. Further improvements included enhanced image and PDF display from bytes, adjustable button sizes, refined Checkbox and TextField functionalities, CanvasKit support, and streamlined interfaces for variables, conditions, and local state management.
September 14th
FlutterFlow for iPad
We launched FlutterFlow for iPad! The app offers most of the functionality as our web application, but with the advantage of an iPad-optimized experience! Whether you're updating settings with your Apple Pencil or creating a design system, our iPad version promises a seamless and intuitive experience.
September 20th
FlutterFlow 4.0 - Branching, Automated Testing, and Cloud Function Integration
We introduced git-style branching in FlutterFlow, allowing for experimental and collaborative development without immediate merging. The branch creation workflow simplifies new branch generation, while our visual merging view and conflict resolution ensure a seamless integration process. Automated test creation has also been implemented to enhance quality assurance with a visual test builder and downloadable test code. Furthermore, we integrated the ability to write and deploy Firebase Cloud Functions directly within FlutterFlow, complete with a code editor and customizable settings. Our upgraded FlutterFlow Marketplace added support for paid items, offering a more expansive and collaborative environment. Lastly, the new Screenshot Generator simplified the creation of store-ready images, saving valuable time.
October 23rd
Enhanced Custom Authentication and Dynamic Widget Features
We introduced API-based custom authentication, allowing for integration with any custom backend. This feature includes "Custom Authentication" actions for login, logout, and user data updates. To enhance interactive user experiences, we added a Carousel widget along with corresponding actions like Next, First, and Jump To. Our JSON to Data Type feature now simplifies working with API responses by allowing the creation of Data Types matching API structures. We improved the UX for action flows based on your feedback, including the ability to show condition labels, change action names, and add documentation for conditional actions and loops. Other enhancements included dynamic drawer width settings, repositionable Calendar widget elements, advanced iOS settings, improved form field actions, searchable API libraries, and new right-click menu options. Additionally, we made navigating the Widget Tree faster with keyboard shortcuts and added the ability to quickly add new pages and components.
November 9th
Enhanced Customization, Rich Text Integration, and Streamlined Setup
We introduced automatic UI and performance recommendations, offering design and optimization tips as you create your app. Enum support and new flow collections streamline development, while upgraded search capabilities and a centralized Notifications Center enhance project navigation. We integrated OneSignal for robust user engagement and added a Markdown widget for rich text formatting. Additionally, tools like the larger font visualization and TextField focus control were implemented to improve app accessibility and user interaction. Other improvements included dynamic image settings, an updated DatePicker, easier Firebase setup, and various performance enhancements, all designed to refine the FlutterFlow development experience and enrich user interfaces.
December 4th
Streamlined Actions, Enhanced Queries, and Improved Boolean Logic
We introduced 'non-blocking' options for actions, allowing for more simultaneous processes like API calls and event logging, complete with the ability to add comments to action blocks. Backend query management has been simplified with new copy-paste functionality and an updated UI to better display filter summaries. The drafts feature automatically saves your progress, ensuring no loss of work. We also made it easier to rename and modify AppState fields and constants, along with upgrades to boolean operations, including a new Conditions flow and automatic condition creation. Additionally, checking where components are used in your project was made more straightforward. Other improvements included unlinking theme widget properties, automatic updating of renamed parameters, new preview options for raw text responses, and enhanced widget disable options.
December 21st
Advanced API Integration, Swipable Stack Revamp, and Supabase Google Auth
We enhanced API functionality by allowing responses to automatically parse as a chosen Data Type, and set individual JSON Paths as general types. Our Swipable Stack widget was completely revamped for a more seamless and intuitive user experience. Additionally, we implemented support for Google Auth with Supabase, broadening authentication options and streamlining user access.

FlutterFlow Community

1M Users From Around The World

It has been a remarkable year, with hundreds of thousands of users around the world coming together to build with FlutterFlow. Across continents, the platform has been used by enterprises, agencies, and freelancers alike.



15% of users



22% of users



16% of users



10% of users



1% of our users



36% of users



15% of users



22% of users



36% of users



16% of users



10% of users



1% of users

FlutterFlow By The Numbers

bug reporting.




vs. 2022



Number of Projects

bug reporting.




vs. 2022



# of users

bug reporting.




vs. 2022



Deployed Apps

bug reporting.




vs. 2022



Lines of Code Exported

bug reporting.




vs. 2022



Projects Exported to Github

bug reporting.




vs. 2022



Widgets Used

“FlutterFlow provides tooling that helps real world developers & users build apps using it - it’s a straightforward, easy to use tool that can generate very powerful results. FF brings the power of a rich platform to everybody.”

Tim Sneath

Former Director of Product and UX for Flutter & Dart, Google

Thanks to each and every one of you!

We have some exciting news in January, and even bigger plans for 2024!

Dennis Ashford

Professor and Co-Founder of FytFeed

"I’ve been teaching myself how to use FlutterFlow and have been incredibly impressed with the ability to build an app from scratch. I’ve enjoyed it so much that I’m actually starting to incorporate it into my classrooms. "

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